The Road to Inspiration

Almost two years ago I fell in love with the world of blogging.  I could wake up every morning and have a dozen new insights into the world of creativity from a group of amazingly talented women and men too!  I was inspired to do everything from trying a new recipe, to finally tackling that project that has been left undone for well over a year even to encouraging me to to be a better person.  I would see a project that someone completed and I would say, “Hey, I can do that too!  But you know what else you could do too??”

After becoming an avid blog reader for so long I started realizing that I had way too many ideas to simply bookmark them and promise myself that “someday” I would get to them.  So as I start a new page in my life, I’ve decided that someday is today.  I’ve decided that I too need an outlet to share my ideas and my creativity.  So here I am!  My hope is that someone will stumble upon my blog and be inspired from the things that I love as well.

So get ready world because here I come!