Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial

Happy Halloween!!  Are you scrambling around getting those last minute details ready for trick-or-treating tonight??  I’m glad to say I finished everything up last night and into the wee morning hours so both of my little ones are ready to go.  Speaking of last minute though I just realized I had never shared my awesome spooky Halloween wreath I made this year and thought there is no better time than now to share it!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial - Simple and only cost a couple bucks!

I LOVE Fall!!  I call it the beginning of my holiday decorating season!  That doesn’t mean that I’m ready to fork over a ton of cash though every year to keep my home looking festive.  This year I had a great time and scored big at my local dollar store.  They had lots of great Halloween essentials like black creepy cloth, spooky ravens and owls, little tombstones and even mummies and skulls!  I grabbed a couple things and headed home a happy girl.  To keep the cost low I just reused my go to yarn wrapped wreath I dress up for different seasons so I only ended up spending less than $5!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns


  • Foam wreath
  • Package of black creepy cloth (I used a 30″x72″ piece)
  • 1/2 yard of orange fabric
  • Ribbon and hook for hanging
  • Straight pins
  • Spooky accessories (Black birds, spiders etc.)

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Start by cutting your fabric strips about 1.5″ wide.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Begin wrapping your fabric strips around the wreath starting on the back.  Just to keep it clean and tidy looking try to finish your strips on the back side of the wreath.  If they are too long simply fold the excess over.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Within minutes you have a pretty orange wreath!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

 Grab your spooky cloth and cut a piece off just a little bit larger than your wreath.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Wrap the cloth some what tightly around the back and trim off any access, pin in place with your straight pins.  Then make a couple of small slits starting in the center and going towards the inside of the wreath.  Be careful NOT to cut all the way to the wreath.  Take each section and pin them back as well.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

It looks great after one layer…

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

…but by adding a second layer the orange doesn’t stand out as much. Instead it adds a nice pop of color.  At this point you can add on any big accessories you would like.  I love this spooky looking raven and he makes me happy since he was only a buck!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

To add a little bit more texture to the wreath I took all of my small scraps and randomly gathered them along the top of the wreath and secured them in the back using pins.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Add a ribbon to hang it with and you are all set!  I used an orange ribbon I already had and wrapped it in the creepy cloth so it blended in with the rest of the wreath.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Not too shabby for less than $5 right?  Even if you have to buy a wreath and a ribbon you still aren’t going to break the bank!  I’m thinking about adding on some small spiders or a little something extra to make it even more fun.

What do you think?  What are your favorite spooky Halloween accessories to decorate your home with?



Happy Halloween and Pumpkin Fun!

Are you all ready for a fun night of trick or treating?  We sure are!  I am putting the last couple touches on Emma Grace’s costume and Jake’s is all ready to go!  I can’t wait to share pictures with you guys!

Last week Jeremy was able to sneak out with the kids and go pick up some pumpkins at our church’s pumpkin patch.  I’m kind of bummed I didn’t get to go this year but I did get to take a couple of pictures when we went to the farmer’s market!  Does that count for a check on my bucket list?  We did end up carving a one of the pumpkins last week while Nana was here.  Although Jake’s once scary pumpkin is now all wrinkled and looks like an old man!  Not so much scary anymore…just creepy!  So while I finish up putting some spots on little Miss Pebbles’ costume for tonight, enjoy some kind of  pumpkin patch..ish pics of my cute kiddos!

Miss EG and I were able to make it one day without the boys.  This is one of my favorite outfits!  Her headband reminds me of Lucy from I Love Lucy!

I think it is impossible to get these two to sit still long enough to get a good picture!

On the other hand my sweet nephew is always a ham and is fun to photograph!  He is wearing a shirt that my Mom picked him up that says “Judge me by my size do you?”  Pretty funny if you ask me because he is standing next to HUGE pumpkins!

Do you like her quick wardrobe change?  Another day another outfit!

This handsome boy though…that smile!  Ahh I love it!!

Happy Halloween!

Fall Table Decor :: Inspiration Wednesday

This afternoon I’m taking a break from Fall decorating for Inspiration Wednesday post because today I NEED some inspiration!  If you follow us on Facebook (if not you better stop by and “Like” our page to see what we are up to!) you already know that we started putting up the Halloween decor yesterday.  I hadn’t gotten out anything yet for Fall but while Jake is out of school I figured we would spend some time this week just the two of us.  I kind of have a rule that if the holiday is at the end of the month I have to wait  until the beginning of that month to decorate (like Halloween and Christmas) but if the holiday is in the middle of the month (like Valentine’s Day) I put them up usually when I get around to it!  So it feels weird to me already bringing out the Fall decor let alone the Halloween goodies!

So anyways I’ve started putting up everything and I’ve hit a wall.  I do enjoy decorating my dining room table for the holidays but let’s be honest…I kind of suck at it.  I think it comes from frustration because I have this HUGE gorgeous table that Jeremy and I bought with gift money from our wedding.  It could easily fit 10-12 people but…I only have four chairs!  You see we bought it from this unfinished furniture store and finished the table, chairs and a matching china cabinet and hutch all at the same time, but we only had enough money for four chairs at the time.  Of course the chairs we picked out were like around $80 or $100 a piece so buying more of them just hasn’t been on the to do list.  (P.S. Mom or Dad if you are reading today I really think we would like some for Christmas – but Jeremy said they are on my list because he wants more tools!)  ANYWAYS…I think I get frustrated because I have this big table that would look beautiful with all of these fun plates and stuff but when you only have four chairs it looks weird to set a place for 8 or 10 ya know?  So I went scouting out a couple of more ideas for my huge table and thought I would share!

Remember this beauty from my post about Incorporating Fall Into the Home?  Still love this one more than anyone I have seen in a long time!

Bliss At Home

How about these cute place tags?  I love the simple and beautiful green, white and brown colors!

The Happier Homemaker

Love bringing a little bit of nature to the table too!

Sweet Something Designs

I still love the idea of bringing in bright colors on a twist of the traditionally muted Fall colors.

Refresh Restyle

Yet again soft neutrals are so classic!

AKA Design

Humm where to start?  Well first things first I need to go hem a tablecloth!