Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial

Happy Halloween!!  Are you scrambling around getting those last minute details ready for trick-or-treating tonight??  I’m glad to say I finished everything up last night and into the wee morning hours so both of my little ones are ready to go.  Speaking of last minute though I just realized I had never shared my awesome spooky Halloween wreath I made this year and thought there is no better time than now to share it!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial - Simple and only cost a couple bucks!

I LOVE Fall!!  I call it the beginning of my holiday decorating season!  That doesn’t mean that I’m ready to fork over a ton of cash though every year to keep my home looking festive.  This year I had a great time and scored big at my local dollar store.  They had lots of great Halloween essentials like black creepy cloth, spooky ravens and owls, little tombstones and even mummies and skulls!  I grabbed a couple things and headed home a happy girl.  To keep the cost low I just reused my go to yarn wrapped wreath I dress up for different seasons so I only ended up spending less than $5!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns


  • Foam wreath
  • Package of black creepy cloth (I used a 30″x72″ piece)
  • 1/2 yard of orange fabric
  • Ribbon and hook for hanging
  • Straight pins
  • Spooky accessories (Black birds, spiders etc.)

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Start by cutting your fabric strips about 1.5″ wide.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Begin wrapping your fabric strips around the wreath starting on the back.  Just to keep it clean and tidy looking try to finish your strips on the back side of the wreath.  If they are too long simply fold the excess over.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Within minutes you have a pretty orange wreath!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

 Grab your spooky cloth and cut a piece off just a little bit larger than your wreath.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Wrap the cloth some what tightly around the back and trim off any access, pin in place with your straight pins.  Then make a couple of small slits starting in the center and going towards the inside of the wreath.  Be careful NOT to cut all the way to the wreath.  Take each section and pin them back as well.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

It looks great after one layer…

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

…but by adding a second layer the orange doesn’t stand out as much. Instead it adds a nice pop of color.  At this point you can add on any big accessories you would like.  I love this spooky looking raven and he makes me happy since he was only a buck!

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

To add a little bit more texture to the wreath I took all of my small scraps and randomly gathered them along the top of the wreath and secured them in the back using pins.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Add a ribbon to hang it with and you are all set!  I used an orange ribbon I already had and wrapped it in the creepy cloth so it blended in with the rest of the wreath.

Spooky Halloween Wreath Tutorial by jRoxDesigns

Not too shabby for less than $5 right?  Even if you have to buy a wreath and a ribbon you still aren’t going to break the bank!  I’m thinking about adding on some small spiders or a little something extra to make it even more fun.

What do you think?  What are your favorite spooky Halloween accessories to decorate your home with?
