Just Breathe :: Inspiration Wednesday

Some days are just harder than others, thats life.  Some days you are exhausted and so overwhelmed that you don’t know how to make it through.  We all have days like this and needless to say that’s why we are having Inspiration Wednesday on Thursday afternoon!  It has just been one of those weeks!  We have a saying in our house “It is what it is.”  See I think that if life gives you lemons not only should you  make some tasty lemonade but I think you also need to throw a party to celebrate that you even have lemons to work with!  I am a firm believer that God will never give you anything that you can’t handle.  He only gives you challenges and tasks to make you a better person.  To make you stronger.  The more challenges you conquer the stronger you become.  Although sometimes it is harder to get through the day and I just have to remind myself that everything I do…I do it for my family.  I do it for my kids.  I do it so that one day when they grow up they can be the best they can be.  Sometimes I just need to remind myself to breathe and this too shall pass.  Everything I do I do it for my family.

So it’s no secret in my house that I’ve wanted a tattoo but I could never quite decide what I wanted.  Originally I wanted to get Jake’s name in some sort of design but knowing I always wanted another child I figured I should wait.  Well guess what?  I have my two kiddos and I have finally figured it out.  I want to get a small tattoo on the inside of my left wrist of Jake and Emma Grace’s names in the shape of an infinity symbol.  I want it to symbolize that my love for them is everlasting no matter what.  I want it to serve as a reminder to me on those hard days of why I do what I do.  I also like the idea of my wrist because it is always there for me to see but a watch band or a chunky bracelet can cover it up if I want to.  So this week I give to you the inspiration behind what I hope will be an everlasting reminder that life is wonderful and life is too short to be stressed!


Just Breathe Tattoo

IMGFAVE via Jennifer S. on Pintrest

Hope Infinity Tattoo

via Connelly Rhea on Pintrest

White Love Infinity Tattoo

via Lauren W. on Pintrest

Infinity Tattoo on Foot


P.S. Writing this post I was interrupted three times by a cranky baby with a fever who has decided that naps are for sissies!  🙂  So again I am reminded to just breathe!

For the Love of Yellow! :: Nursery Tuesday

I am loving yellow lately!  It is such a bright cheery color that is great for little boys or girls.  My favorite part is that you can use yellow as a starting point for a gender neutral nursery, then when the baby arrives it is so easy to pair it with either feminine or masculine touches.  Yellow and gray is pretty trendy right now and with accents of stripes or the ever popular chevron you can’t go wrong!

Gray and Yellow Chevron Crib Bedding from Carousel Designs

Jenna Lyons on Apartment Therapy

Yellow Nursery by Argington


Rock Star Duchess Nursery by Sharon Taylor

Rock Star Duchess Nursery by Sharon Taylor on Project Nursery

Blue and Yellow Nursery by Susan Weinroth

A Little Bit of Me

Gray and Yellow Nursery with Striped Walls

Gray and Yellow Nursery with Striped Walls

Serafina's Modern Romantic Yellow Nursery

Serafina’s Modern Romantic Yellow Nursery

Happy Memorial Day!

Today we must remember that the reason we are who we are today as a country is because of the brave men and women who have given their lives to make this country great!  Thank you to all of our veterans and those serving in our armed forces!

We are off to celebrate with friends and family at a cookout!  I’m thinking maybe next year of bringing one of these along to celebrate!

Snow Cone Cupcakes from Bakerella

Patriotic Push-Up Pops from Craftaholics Anonymous

Red, White and Blue Patriotic Strawberries by Our Best Bites

Happy Memorial Day!

Emma Grace 42 Weeks

Emma Grace is 42 Weeks Old!

Follow Emma Grace’s Weekly Photo Project Here!

Phew it has been a week!  Remember how I was thinking that someone is getting top teeth?  Well I was right…and they are taking their sweet time coming in.  Her gums are RED and puffy but I still don’t see the little teeth under her gums.  You know how you can usually see a little bit of white underneath those gums?  Nope there is nothing.  Meaning I’m pretty sure these puppies aren’t going to be here any time soon!  You wanna know what Emma Grace thinks about her teeth this week?  I’m pretty sure this photo tells it all!

jRoxDesigns Photography copyright 2012

Oh did you not catch her mood this week?  Let me take a second look!

jRoxDesigns Photography copyright 2012

Yes I know a little dramatic huh?  I wonder where she gets this from?!  Mom, Dad if you are reading this one today no smart comments okay?  There have been a lot of tears.

jRoxDesigns Photography copyright 2012

We are hanging in there.  Lets hope they make an appearance soon because I can’t take many more sad, teary eyes!

jRoxDesigns Photography copyright 2012

P.S. The last two are straight out of the camera with no editing!  I love the color!  I’m getting better!

Quick Homemade Italian Inspired Pizza

Okay so no its no where NEAR REAL Italian pizza.  Trust me I would much rather be back in a little pizzeria in Rome having a slice while the boys are drinking giant glasses of Peroni but alas here in the United States I’m going to have to make do.


Growing up Momma always made her own pizza sauce and it was amazing.  Trust me I still never miss a pizza night at her house if I can help it! Well one of the first times I went to make pizza at home for the boys a couple years back I didn’t have time to make sauce so I just went with a little bit of olive oil on top of the crust with mozzarella and fresh basil and called it a day.  Well ever since then that we never have pizza sauce for our homemade pizzas, just some good ol’ olive oil.  I don’t know why but its just how we do around here!  Half the time we just check out what is in the fridge and slap one together.

We usually use Martha White thin and crispy pizza crust mix.  I usually love a thin crust pizza and this is what Momma always used to use so guess what…its what I use too!

All you have to do is mix it up, let it sit for a couple minutes bake it for 5 minutes add your toppings and pop it back in for 10 minutes.  Come on how easy is that?

This week I grilled some marinated chicken, Roma tomatoes, bacon and topped it with some mozzarella and fresh basil.  Again no pizza sauce just put a little bit of EVOO on top of the crust after the initial bake and you are good to go.  Try that one on for a quick homemade pizza night!