Editing Newborn Photos :: Inspiration Wednesday

Learning how to take great pictures sure is a journey!  I finally feel like I am understanding all the different aspects of my camera and I am really starting to feel comfortable with shooting in manual mode.  A couple of weeks back I shared with you some of my favorite visual cheat sheets for shooting in manual mode.  Now the second part of a great picture is effective editing.  That is the part where I struggle.  I’m a pro when it comes to using Adobe Illustrator but I’m still learning with Photoshop.  They have quite a few things that are similar but they are basically ENTIRELY different!  Most of the editing that I do right now is in iPhoto and I’m really comfortable there, which is okay for 90% of what I do at this point.  One of my goals I have set for myself is to start booking photo shoots in the upcoming months and in order to give my clients the best photos I can I want to become a pro in Photoshop!  I have a whole board on Pintrest for photography tips and tricks that I have collected (follow me here!) but up until recently they have been just sitting there staring me in the face.  So today I’m getting things done!  I did a newborn shoot for a very close friend of mine whose baby boy I adore!!  I’m seriously late getting his photos edited (partly because he did get to stay with me 5 days a week for quite a few weeks while Momma went back to work for a while) and  I’m learning all sorts of things along the way.  Today I thought I would share with you some of the most helpful tutorials I’ve found so far!

How to Brighten Skintones in Photoshop by Polished Picture

Polished Picture

Take A Photo Like A Pro by Jessica Drew Photography

Jessica Drew Photography

Newborn Editing Workflow from Arden Prucha

Arden Prucha Photography on iHeartFaces.com

Tutorial:: Editing a Newborn by Morgan Kervin Photography

Morgan Kervin Photography

Do you have any go to tutorials that you love?  Share them with us!

Emma Grace’s Weekly Photo Project

Before Miss Emma Grace was born I was determined to track her growth through a series of photos.  With Jake I felt like the first year was a blur and I wanted to be able to look back be able to cherish those precious months.  I had already seen a couple awesome photo projects at two amazing blogs, Making it Lovely and Young House Love.  Nicole at Making it Lovely took photos of her daughter Eleanor every month and continued the tradition with her son August.  But when I remembered how John and Sherry from Young House Love took on a massive weekly photo project , I KNEW that is what I had to do!  Each week they put their daughter Clara in a plain white onesie on a different fabric and with a little bit of Photoshop magic put the week on her belly.  So with a closet full of fabric (don’t ask…you will soon learn!) I decided there was no way I could say no to a project full of fun fabric and a cute baby.  So here we are 35 weeks into my weekly photo project and there have been frustrating days and trying shoots but in the end I don’t regret it!